
A brand-new trading agency wishing to initiate and/or develop a strong trading connection between the European (halal) market and the food industry in the Middle-East and Asia.
European Halal Trade Agency

Boosting business opportunities

European Halal Trade Agency is a brand-new trading agency wishing to initiate and/or develop a strong trading connection between the European (halal) market and the food industry in the Middle-East and Asia. We aim to encourage and support entrepreneurship with new partners and new markets.

Our Services

What we do


We wish to chart both supply and demand, on an international scale. Our mission is to create a large organigram with as much detail as possible of businesses, partners and customers who can connect in some way or another. We are gathering facts & figures about end users, consumers: how big is the market? How diverse is the market? Which products or ingredients do customers need most? Or which products are the most popular …? What are the trends? Which are the classic products?

Global Trade Communication

As a trading agency, we specialize in bolstering international business relations by offering comprehensive communication services. Our expertise lies in facilitating clearer, more effective interactions between companies and nations, ensuring vital information is accurately conveyed and understood across borders.


In our efforts to physically unite European companies on the hand and companies from the Middle-East and Asia on the other, we will represent the European companies at trade fairs and exhibitions which are organised in the Middle-East and Asia. In doing so we are like the voice, the overarching entity of European companies in the food industry, who wish to trade with the Middle-East and Asia. We will also organise several trade fairs in Europe ourselves and invite companies from the Middle-East and Asia to attend.

European Products

Reinforcing the position of European food companies on the international halal market and more specifically on the food market in the Middle-East and Asia. We are achieving this by promoting the companies who wish to get involved among potential customers, suppliers or logistics companies abroad. And vice versa too: informing European companies about the customers or partners who exist in the Middle-East or Asia.

Halal Products

Halal is a way of life, relating to culture and religion, and involves principles and practical guidelines. In economic terms “halal” is also a niche, that keeps growing bigger. Just like vegetarian or gluten-free food, we wish to specifically highlight the beneficial features of “halal” products. Halal is a contemporary lifestyle, entirely up to date and aligned with the (growing) needs of the modern day. In this way halal is a modern marketing concept and deserves a proper place in the food sector. As such, halal is an opportunity for many companies in the food industry.

Advice and education

The production of halal food concerns a complex set of rules. This has consequences, but most of all lots of opportunities for (new) or adapted products. We wish to advise companies how – perhaps with an adapted set of rules in their manufacturing – they can increase the size of their distribution market by making and/or developing relevant products. And more generally: how European companies can enhance their connection with foreign markets, in this case the Middle-East and Asia. On the other hand we will also stimulate the interest of companies from outside Europe in European products that are either new or unfamiliar. We list any differences in local legislation, traditions or habits, so that every player is properly informed. Thanks to our market knowledge, research and connections we consider ourselves experts. And anything we don’t know (yet), we will find out about. In any case, we keep our finger on the pulse for any evolution in social, judicial and economic matters. We guide and support companies (in Europe and the Middle-East / Asia) in developing their business with new partners

Get in touch

Discover our team and get in touch personally or you can contact us through the form below.